"Fatty foods cause inflammation and thus suppress the immune system," says Dr. Edison de Mello, MD, Ph.D. Even if you regularly consume these legumes, eating peanuts when you are sick may lead to increased inflammation and nasal congestion. Between the inflammation-causing cheese and histamine-releasing tomato sauce, the last thing you need is another major source of histamine as a topping. "Extra fluids such as water and tea help replace fluids lost from a fever and help loosen mucus.". Fried foods are definitely among the worst foods to eat when you are sick. As we explained in 15 Foods That Can Make You Congested, red meat can worsen congestion by contributing to an excessive mucus build-up. As its name implies, macaroni and cheese combine two foods, both of which are extremely problematic for your immune system. If that was not bad enough, many burgers are pan-fried which ups their inflammation-causing fat content. "Alcohol has a dehydrating effect, which is the exact opposite of what you want when you are sick," she says. And FYI, here are 21 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Processed Food. Additionally, soy sauce has high levels of sodium, which will make you more vulnerable to becoming dehydrated, especially when you are already sick. Zamarripa recommends cutting out all salty foods, which have the potential to make you dehydrated and subsequently worsen cold symptoms. Play it safe and wait to eat this wholesome grain until you are totally recovered. In 14 Foods That Cause Inflammation, we discussed the damage these fake sweeteners can inflict on your immune system. "While you are sick, sugar decreases your immune response, impeding your body's ability to fight the infection off," explains Bess Berger, RDN, CDN, CLT. Unless you want to experience more congestion, hold off on the bubbly drink until you can breathe easy again. Hold off on the sweet stuff so that you can feel better faster. Avoid slicing up papaya until your sinuses are clear and you feel congestion-free. While we are not denying the disease-busting benefits of certain foods, unfortunately eating the right things is only half of the battle when it comes to getting better faster. This comfort food staple is a major no-no when you have a cold. Hold off on the fish tacos! Hold off on piña coladas and rum punches until you're feeling 100 percent. Because inflammation can often lead to an increase in mucus production, it's best to lay off of the gluten until you recover. As we addressed in 15 Foods That Can Make You Congested, gluten has the potential to cause inflammation and an increase in mucus production if you have any issues digesting it. Not only are these add-ons less than ideal nutritionally, but they're also a nightmare if you are already battling a cold or flu. But avoid spicy foods while your throat remains sore. If that was not problematic enough, the white bread it is made with is high in refined carbohydrates which can cause an uptick in blood sugar and even more inflammation. "Sorry that pre-dinner cocktail will cause additional inflammation that will leave your white blood cells even weaker and slow down your body's healing process," explains Dr. Petre. Carbs low on the glycaemic index such as whole grains, wheat bread or fibre-rich foods can decrease inflammation. Another nutritional no-brainer. Replenishing electrolytes is a noble idea, especially after fever and sweating have occurred, but it’s important to weigh the positives and negatives when it comes to sports drinks, as they pack in high amounts of sugar. When you are sick, the last thing you want in your system is an influx of histamine, which will cause the tissues in your nose to swell and worsen all of your nose and sinus symptoms. There's a reason deli meats can stay "fresh" for so long: preservatives. Adding batter and oil into the equation will increase inflammation, according to Jennifer Mimkha, MPH, RD, LDN, CLC. Most chocolate bars have high levels of saturated fat, which can increase inflammation and exacerbate cold and flu symptoms. This shouldn't come as a shock to you. Alcohol intake, especially intake that occurs on a daily basis, can actually change the number of T-cells that make up a vital part of your immune system, making it more difficult to fight off infections. If you have even a very slight gluten sensitivity, avoid consuming bread when you are under the weather. Julie Upton, MS, RD, emphasizes the importance of avoiding pro-inflammatory foods, as they can reduce your body's immune system response. 7. Healthy eating is essential on the road to recovery, so be sure to avoid the … Hold off on piña coladas and rum punches until you're feeling 100 percent. Mussels are another major don't when you are battling a cold, flu, or sinus congestion. However, if you have any kind of gluten sensitivity, barley can trigger an inflammatory response, especially when you are sick. Fried Foods
If you really want to make sure you're doing everything you can to get rid of your cold or flu, keep reading for a list of each meal, drink, and snack you should avoid. The sugar can actually affects white blood cell function, by decreasing their ability to fight off infection. Bologna is a form of processed meat, a major dietary "don't" when you are sick and trying to stay hydrated. Butter is high in saturated fat, which will increase inflammation and hinder your immune system. 7. Additionally, if your stomach is upset, consuming something greasy is not the way to go. Step away from the butter stick, especially when you are sick. Excess salt draws fluids from your cells, leaving your cells dehydrated and with a worse or prolonged cold. If you do to choose to indulge while you are still under the weather, avoid pairing your meal with butter because the high saturated fat content is known to trigger inflammation. Save the fancy seafood dinner for when you're feeling better. Take a glimpse at This is What Happens to Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol to learn more. Whatever you do, avoid eating eggplant parmesan when you are sick because the additions of cheese and breading are sure to trigger inflammation. Sweet snacks, fatty foods, dairy products, caffeinated beverages, jagged or hard foods, processed foods and simple carbs are to be avoided when sick. It's time to stop the perpetuating myth that drinking fruit juice when you are sick will somehow magically help you recover. Most fruit juices. According to The Journal of Head and Face Pain, there is strong evidence that MSG has the ability to trigger headaches based on several provocation studies. Everyone likes a good slice of birthday cake, but you should hold off on the celebrations and the pastry until you feel better. You need to rest when you are sick, not try to push through with the help of caffeine-laden energy drinks. It may be easy to whip up, but Dr. Richardson reports that dairy thickens mucus. In 15 Foods That Can Make You Congested, Rene Ficek, RD, explains that foods that are high in refined sugar, such as chocolate, can increase the production of yeast in your body, which will lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. Next time, Dr. Richardson advises to stick to the hot water, lemon, and honey. Additionally, the sweet stuff has plenty of sugar, another ingredient that has been known to increase inflammation. Fermented foods and condiments like vinegar also have high levels of histamine, making them a less than stellar choice when you are sick. Your chest congestion and sinus may increase lately in the flu. The Top 3 Worst Foods to Eat When Sick. Here are Cures for Every Cold Symptom, According to Doctors. (And for when you're feeling better, be sure to check out these 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time!). Fried calamari may be one of your favorite appetizers, but it has no place in your diet when you are trying to recover from the cold or flu. This tropical fruit is another piece of produce with potent histamine-releasing powers. It's high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and because it is an unrefined carbohydrate, it won't immediately translate into sugar in your body. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Whether it’s a fever or stomach ache, you can fight it all by stocking up on your food and drinks. If your stomach is upset, Kerkenbush advises you steer clear of all hot or pungent foods. Vodka sodas might be your weekend go-to, but they have no place in your diet when you're sick. There's a reason deli meats can stay "fresh" for so long: preservatives. Pass on the clams until your sinus-related symptoms have improved. In order to avoid irritating your nasal passages, it's best to skip out on walnuts until your cold symptoms are relieved. Pickled foods have salt or vinegar which can raise inflammation in your sore throat. Caffein is a diuretic, which means it also dehydrates you faster. To make sure you breathe easy, wait until your nasal passages are clear before ordering your favorite sushi dish. This snack is another item you should consider avoiding, especially if it is your throat that is bothering you. Lewis lists spicy foods like chili peppers as something to avoid when you are sick, especially if a runny nose is one of your symptoms.