In China, lychee trees are fertilized only twice a year and only organic material is used, principally night soil, sometimes with the addition of soybean or peanut residue after oil extraction, or mud from canals and fish ponds. This can be provided by placing stakes around each small tree and stretching cloth around them as a windscreen. Those which do not wilt in 3 weeks are judged suitable for setting out in the field. Fire-oven and vacuum-oven drying were found unsatisfactory. [Tree is a heavy bearer], late in season. A tea of the fruit peel is taken to overcome smallpox eruptions and diarrhea. Containers for stacked trays or fruits not so arranged, must be fairly shallow to avoid too much weight and crushing. Harvesting may need to be done every 3 to 4 days over a period of 3-4 weeks. Sun-drying on coir-mesh trays took 15 days and the results were good except that thin-skinned fruits tended to crack. In Florida, lychee trees are occasionally subject to green scurf, or algal leaf spot (Cephaleuros virescens), leaf blight (Gleosporium sp. It is the only member of the Litchi genus which is in the soapberry family. A small parasitic wasp helps to control this predator, as does the sanitary practice of burning the fallen lychee leaves. The leading variety is: 'Panjore common'. He said that it thrives best in regions "not subject to heavy frost but cool and dry enough in the winter months to provide a period of rest." As stated earlier, lychee trees do not grow that big. Lychee wood comes with a brownish red wood tone which is natural. It has sweet flesh with little scent and the seed size is variable. The fruit flies, Ceratites capitata and Pterandrus rosa make minute holes and cracks in the skin and cause internal decay. Okay, maybe not, but it definitely does resemble an ear. It can be eaten fresh, dried, or canned. Seeds vary from large to very small. There are numerous lychee orchards in the submontane region of the Punjab. The flowers require transfer of pollen by insects. It became necessary to shield the air-layers with a cylinder of newspaper or aluminum foil. Experimental drying involved preliminary disinfection by immersing the fruits in 0.5% copper sulphate solution for 2 minutes. Ground-layering has been practiced to some extent. Withstands hot winds.] Individual fruits are later clipped from the cluster leaving a stub of stem attached. In India and Hawaii, there has been some interest in possible cross-breeding of the lychee and pollen storage tests have been conducted. Its leaves have evolved to repel water, causing them to be known as lauroid or laurophyll leaves. 1', 'Seedless No. Lychee pollen has remained viable at room temperature for 10 to 30 days in petri dishes; for 3 to 5 months in desiccators; 15 months at 32° F (0° C) and 25% relative humidity in desiccators; and 31 months under deep-freeze, -9.4° F (-23° C). The root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica, also attacks the lychee in South Africa but is less prevalent. Fresh fruits, picked individually by snapping the stems and later de-stemmed during grading, and packed in shallow, ventilated cartons with shredded-paper cushioning, have been successfully shipped by air from Florida to markets throughout the United States and also to Canada. Electric-oven drying of single layers arranged in tiers, at 122º to 140º F (50º-65º C), requires only 4 days. In China, lychees are preferably dried in the sun on hanging wire trays and brought inside at night and during showers. Frozen, peeled or unpeeled, lychees in moisture-vapor-proof containers keep for 2 years. The final swelling of the fruit causes the protuberances on the skin to be less crowded and to slightly flatten out, thus an experienced picker will recognize the stage of full maturity. Also, the trees are slow to mature, and it could take as long as 20 years for your sapling to produce fruit, if it ever does. Fall spraying of growth inhibitors has not been found to increase yields. The clusters or loose fruits are best packed in trays with protective sheets between the layers and no more than 5 single layers or 3 double layers are joined together. Each bag should contain no more than 15 lbs (6.8 kg) of fruit. In order to make air-layering less labor-intensive, to eliminate the watering, and also to produce portable, shippable layers, Colonel Grove, after much experimentation, developed the technique of packing the girdle with wet sphagnum moss and soil, wrapping it in moisture-proof clear plastic that permits exchange of air and gasses, and tightly securing it above and below. A leaf-webber, Dudua aprobola, attacks the new growth of all lychee trees in the Punjab. 2', 'Dehra Dun', and 'Kalkattia'. Grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids may, at times, feed heavily on the foliage. Lychee wood is known to be extremely versatile and hardy. The name rambutan is derived from the Malay word rambut, which mean… Seed-feeding Lepidoptera, especially Cryptophlebia ombrodelta and Lobesia sp. It is a consistent bearer, late in season. Honey from bee colonies in lychee groves in Florida is light amber, of the highest quality, with a rich, delicious flavor like that of the juice which leaks when the fruit is peeled, and the honey does not granulate. It is never done right after rain, as the wet fruit is very perishable. *According to analyses made in China, India and the Philippines. By their method, a branch of a chosen tree is girdled, allowed to callus for 1 to 2 days and then is enclosed in a ball of sticky mud mixed with chopped straw or dry leaves and wrapped with burlap. The seed should be large, smooth, and round. The lychee fruit you buy in the store is often hybridized, and the likelihood that the resulting tree will match its parent is very low. The leaflets are concave like those of 'Kwai Mi'. In China and India, it is grown between 15° and 30° N. "The Canton delta ... is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer and is a subtropical area of considerable range in climate. Peeled and pitted, they are commonly added to fruit cups and fruit salads. Happy holidays from all of us at Gardening Know How. This cultivar, the centuries-old 'Chen-Tze' or 'Royal Chen Purple', renamed 'Brewster' in Florida, from the northern limit of the lychee-growing area in China, withstands light frost and proved to be very successful in the Lake Placid areathe "Ridge" section of Central Florida.