IV Themed Sleeve (may be available later for separate purchase in MTG Arena). This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available. 3: Erebos, Athreos, Phenax Vol. 生機核歐那斯 暫緩使用 *MTGO and Arena codes must be redeemed before December 31, 2020. United States and many other countries Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Non-Smoking household. Each product contains three gods from earlier Theros products. on 2020年 2月 14日. All alt-art constellation. Presale Information: This product is a Presale item. on 2020年 2月 14日, 你是否看過來自最新Secret Lair: Theros Stargazing 的閃耀新星,它們將僅限於魔法風雲會世界冠軍賽的二月14日到16日之間獲得。, 尼茲之光閃耀了塞洛斯的夜空,每組星彩都講述了一個故事,然而沒有任何一個故事和神一樣重要。任何真信者都必須擁有—來自塞洛斯你最喜歡的傳奇神生物。, 五個套組,只有三天,盡在secretlair.wizards.com。千萬別錯過!, Theros Stargazing 是一個五個套組的系列,五個神祇作為主角而侍從隨侍左右。每個Theros Stargazing 的套組都有三張特殊的閃神,以及一組Magic: The Gathering Arena上特殊牌套的兌換碼 。, **[MTG Arena 兌換] 無法在以下區域進行:中國、香港、澳門、台灣,和越南。, 每套分別將會是 $39.99 美金,而五套一組將是 $149.99 美金。每個玩家每套將限購15套,而每組也將限購 15 組。(是的,如果你想的話你可以分別訂購 15 套再加上 15 組。), 和Jason A. Engle 所繪製的美麗異化星彩神祇們,一同對太陽、豐收及勝利展現你的忠誠。, 和Jason A. Engle 所繪製的美麗異化星彩神祇們,一同對海洋、城邦及天際展表達你的忠誠。, 和Jason A. Engle 所繪製的美麗異化星彩神祇們,一同對死亡、欺瞞及亡靈證明你的忠誠。, 和Jason A. Engle 所繪製的美麗異化星彩神祇們,一同對熔鍛、屠戮及風暴宣告你的忠誠。, 和Jason A. Engle 所繪製的美麗異化星彩神祇們,一同對狩獵、貪歡及折磨慶祝你的忠誠。, 當你購買Theros Stargazing 套組時,將會收到一封確認信確認你的訂單。在商品準備好準備寄出時你將會收到兌換碼。, 和十二月的Secret Lair 套組相同,我們希望確保每個想要的人都可以獲得套組。只要在世界冠軍賽期間購買,你將確保能與神凝視。, 我們已經儲備了一定的數量,以便能盡快到追隨者的手上。訂購的時間越早,你就越有機會進入首波的名單(也就是能更早收到)!如果你是需要印刷的那波(在首波售罄後進來的訂單),你可以在8–10 週間收到。但別擔心,它們終歸是你的。, 不要走開,趕快在secretlair.wizards.com登錄以獲得最新消息,並追蹤 @Wizards_Magic 以獲得下個Secret Lair Drop Series 的最新消息!, Posted in News 爭鋒賽: Alternate art versions of the original Theros gods (with the starfield art). {{ cart.latest.price | price:cart.latest.currency }}. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Limit 10 per drop per customer and 10 per bundle per customer (yes, you can order 10 of each individually, plus 10 of the bundle if you so choose).What is Secret Lair Drop Series?On November 25, 2019, Wizards of the Coast announced the Secret Lair Drop Series, a first series of seven products to be released December 2 through December 9, 2019 for only a 24-hour period each day. For those who can't get to it, it's all the old theros gods with the new showcase frame in packs of three. Type: Sealed. Waiting list. Theros Stargazing Volume I to V is a five-drop series headlined by the five original Theros Gods, each flanked by two minor Gods. Greetings, Traveler! III Themed Sleeve, one MTG Arena Theros Stargazing: Vol. Is there any decent way to assume individual card costs from these Secret Lairs based on the cards base cost and previous secret lair individual second market prices? Days. We post new videos every week, covering all things Magic the Gathering, MTG Arena Gameplay, Standard, Commander, Draft, Sealed, Limited, and MTG Finance! Sign up to get notified whenever a new drop, uh, drops. All original Theros block. It looks like your browser may have lost its way. Name: Theros Stargazing Vol.1 (Heliod) Set: Secret lair Drop Type: Sealed Non-Smoking household. ©2020 Scalefast Inc. All rights reserved. Each Theros Stargazing drop … ©2020 Scalefast Inc. All rights reserved. Name: Theros Stargazing Vol.1 (Heliod) Set: Secret lair Drop. Cookies help us deliver our Services. All cards have alternate art and a mythic rare shooting star expansion symbol. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Safe & secure checkout process using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. 5 different bundles, each with a mono color God and two other gods in same colors in foil constellation versions (Heliod, Iroas and Karametra for example). {{ 'TITLE was successfully added in your shopping cart.' The estimated shipping time frame for this Secret Lair Drop Series product is the week of 2/17/2020 - 2/21/2020 please keep this in mind when purchasing this item. Show your devotion to the sun, the harvest, and victory with beautiful alt-art constellation gods by Jason A. Engle. . This drop holds your favorite legendary creatures at their celestial best—a must-have for any true believer. III主題牌套的兌換碼** Vol. | replace:{TITLE:cart.latest.title} }}, {{cart.latest.info.crossedPrice | price:cart.latest.currency }} 1 Foil Alternate-Art Iroas, God of Victory​ 3. Show you are devoted above all others! . Theros Stargazing: Vol. Safe & secure checkout process using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. Vol. Secret Lair is back and it didn't take long. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch - links above. 你知道嗎?距離秘室珍品發售已經過去了整整一年。我們帶來了貓貓,神明,以及流漿們。我們歡慶了國際婦女節以及Extra Life 2020。怪獸之王和狗狗們也有了自己的珍品。整整一年,我們見到了各色各樣的珍品!現在,我們即將以最秘室珍品的方式來慶祝這值得紀念的周年慶——那就是更多的珍品,你一定會好奇,“我們做了什麼?!”