The oversubscription criteria applies at the start of Y3. Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the Published Admissions Number (PAN), applications will be prioritised in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out below. This can include criteria such as whether you live in the catchment area, whether there are siblings already at the school and the distance you live from the school. West Sussex County Council Oversubscription Criteria These are the criteria that apply to the majority of community and voluntary controlled schools. As our two feeder schools have a maximum of 150 children, we are in a good position to accept children from other schools and beyond our catchment area. School places are allocated according to the published oversubscription criteria for that school. If you chose an oversubscribed In-year admissions. to the published oversubscription criteria for that school. • Admission numbers for all schools in West Sussex, including where the Local Authority is aware of proposed changes by own admission authority schools. The term ‘parent’ includes other legal guardians. The referral 1 An objection has been referred to the Adjudicator by West Sussex County Council (“the Council”) about the decision of the Governing Body of St You have a higher priority for local schools. 4. A catchment area is a geographical area served by a specific school and ... (PAN), applications will be prioritised in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out below. West Sussex Over Subscription Criteria. Oversubscription criteria. A panel of West Sussex senior education officers will decide whether the reasons expressed are sufficient to override the oversubscription criteria and allow admission on exceptional and compelling grounds. Phone West Sussex County Council on 03330 142 903 . require the School to change its year 8 oversubscription criteria for 2012 so that criterion 1 for year 8 exactly mirrors oversubscription criterion 1 for year 7. 2.2.3 West Sussex County Council are proposing to add this criteria to their oversubscription criteria after all children in catchment and those outside of the catchment area with siblings already attending the school, so as not to displace local children from local schools or to split families that already have ... the oversubscription criteria, the Admissions Authority must ensure that their arrangements will not disadvantage unfairly, either directly or indirectly, a child from a particular social or racial group, or a 5. Phone West Sussex County Council on 03330 142 903. Oversubscription Criteria for Schools in West Sussex for September 2017 (Oversubscription Criteria for previous years is available on the website.) This can include criteria such as whether you live in the catchment area, whether there are siblings already at the school and the distance you live from the school. • Admission numbers for all schools in West Sussex, including where the Local Authority is aware of proposed changes by own admission authority schools. and West Sussex County Council - the Local Authority - as the Schools Adjudicator. Chesswood Junior School currently has a PAN number of 180 children in each year group. Please be realistic in your preferences. Oversubscription criteria; Tie breaker – oversubscription; ... (PAN), applications will be prioritised in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out below. Phone West Sussex County Council on 03330 142 903.