VMware VMCA :Error while replacing Machine SSL Cert. Shut down with # poweroff command. In other words, you will need a play for each cluster. This IP should be you cluster IP or a CVM IP in the cluster. I added a Slack action as well to tell me whether it was successful. But how is its execution different in ESXi and AHV in Nutanix? Does AHV have “Maintenance Mode”, yes it does, but its part of the CLI, not the GUI. From acli run command host.enter_maintenance_mode (see below). cvm_shutdown -P now. Cannot login user @ no permission – Connexion impossible pour l’utilisateur @ aucune autorisation, Échec de Remédiation VMware Update Manager à cause de vSphere Replication, Connecter Nutanix CE 2019.11.22 à Prism Central, VMware vCenter 6.7 : converger vos PSC externes, Check vSphere Replication State – Vérifier l’état des réplications vSphere. As a longtime VMware admin, “Maintenance Mode” has become a staple in hypervisor management. The “Actions” drop down will appear at the top of the page. Alexander Ervik Johnsen AHV, CVM, Maintenance Mode, NCLI, Nutanix, Nutanix AHV, Nutanix CVM May 12, 2020 Here is a quick how to fix a Nutanix CVM that has been stuck in Maintenance Mode. Maintenance Mode on Nutanix AHV on one of the cvms: acli host.list. Voici le script que j’utilise en ce moment pour les mises en maintenance des hôtes AHV des clusters Nutanix avec un menu à choix multiples : Partager la publication "Powershell Menu AHV Maintenance Mode". En savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées. X-Play is essentially an IFTTT for Nutanix. In a column, Schedulable – if the value is TRUE, means the host is not under maintenance mode if it is FALSE – Acropolis hosts is under maintenance mode. enter maintenance mode with the following command: acli host.enter_maintenance_mode Shut down the CVM. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}},s=function(){var b={},d=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(0==d.length)return{};var a=d[0];if(! //]]>In Prism Central 5.11 we got introduced to a new feature called X-Play. Choose ‘Run Playbook’. Find the name of Controller VM (cvm) Determine if CVM is running. @VMware_Fr https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvRdbbZZWHcgawrJO6XJUouKjRq4Ie_Gy, The France VMUG Virtual UserCon is happening the 3rd of November!! nutanix@cvm$ acli host.exit_maintenance_mode Move to the next node in the Nutanix cluster and repeat the previous steps to enter maintenance mode, make the desired changes, and exit maintenance mode. and hit TAB to see available options (See below) NOTE: below is … // Shut down the CVM. Click “Add Action” on the left. To check if Acropolis hosts is under maintenance mode run command host.list. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Then watch to see your VMs start moving off that host. Last, but not least, we need an “Exit Maintenance Mode”. So if you want to put a host/s into maintenance mode you can use following command. First off you need Prism Central, since X-Play only works from there. Perform each maintenance after the host shutdown is complete. Next Choose “Create PlayBook” at the top. Command to run. Also, notice there is a “Parameters” button at the bottom of the ‘Message’ box for customizing the message. The keynote by @JoeBaguley + a lot of interesting sessions on the agenda including my own! Artur holds VMware Certified Design Expert certification (VCDX #077). (function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split(". Click the check box next to the host you need to be evacuated. It can do basic things like send reports on a schedule or send an alert, but it can also do some more advanced things. How to Fix a Nutanix CVM being Stuck in Maintenance Mode 1. ssh into the Nutanix cluster VM 2. cluster status 2. ncli host list (This will give you the host ID) ##### Id : 9911991c-1111-093y-11yb-blahblah88::61810 Uuid : 5blahblabla99-5227-43d9-ae05-243hahadummy Shutdown AHV Node: root@ahv# shutdown -h now . Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Creating “Maintenance Mode” for AHV using X-Play. Nutanix hyperconverge infrastructure © 2020. 1. ssh into the Nutanix cluster VM – If you use MAC, open up Terminal and use ssh nutanix@CVM-IP-ADDRESS – or via Putty on Windows. He has been using, designing and deploying VMware based solutions since 2005 and Microsoft since 2012. So, the command for putting a host into maintenance mode from the CLI is actually an ‘acli‘ command. As you can see, in column Schedulable, for first host value is FALSE, which means the host is in maintenance mode. Enter: ‘/home/nutanix/bin/acli host.exit_maintenance_mode {{trigger[0].source_entity_info.uuid}}‘. If the node is in maintenance mode, Log on to the CVM of this host and take the node out of the maintenance mode. How to Fix a Nutanix CVM being Stuck in Maintenance Mode 1. ssh into the Nutanix cluster VM 2. cluster status 2. ncli host list (This will give you the host ID) ##### Id : 9911991c-1111-093y-11yb-blahblah88::61810 Uuid : 5blahblabla99-5227-43d9-ae05-243hahadummy Name : NTNX-SERIAL-X IPMI Address : Controller VM Address : Hypervisor Address : Host Status : … and hit TAB to see available options (See below). In this example, I am using a Nutanix Community Edition , 1 node cluster. Exit Maintenance Mode: Dell BIOS Power Management Maximum Performance, Mise à jour BIOS et iDrac DELL en ligne de commande, En savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées. The “Entity Type” is “Host”. February 13, 2020 | jhallmark | Automation, Nutanix. How to check if Acropolis hosts are in maintenance mode. Start-up procedure after maintenance is complete. If the CVM is shut off, start it. Amazon Web Services outage takes a portion of the internet down with it – TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2020/11/25/amazon-web-services-outage-takes-a-portion-of-the-internet-down-with-it/, Il y a forcément quelques choses à apprendre sur notre chaîne YouTube du VMUG France ! In Prism Central 5.11 we got introduced to a new feature called X-Play. Auto Protect/UnProtect Script for Nutanix. For my configuration I chose “IP Address SSH”. NOTE: below is applicable for AOS 5.0.X or older. 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