es seis veces más alto para los ciclistas y los peatones que para los automovilistas. Translation of 'La quiero a Morir' by DLG from Spanish to English. Instruyó a algunos de sus apóstoles para poner la diseminación en, He trained some of his apostles to take dissemination on the. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. die. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Per carità, signor Alfonso, non ci fate, For pity's sake, Don Alfonso, don't make us, Sotto il tuo bel sole tropicale voglio vivere e, Under your beautiful tropical sky I want to live and, Vieni, infelice amico, unico è questo conforto che mi resta, l'abbracciarti e, Come, unhappy friend, this is the only comfort which remains to me, to embrace you and, Troilo ebbe la testa rotta da una clava greca, eppure aveva fatto tutto il possibile per, Troilus had his brains dashed out with a Grecian club; yet he did what he could to, Una notevole eccezione a questo andamento è rappresentata da Lope de Vega, che fece di Macías l'eroe del suo dramma, Porfiar hasta, A notable exception to this trend, Lope de Vega, made Macías the hero of his drama, Porfiar hasta, Ma non c'era via d'uscita, dovette andarci se non voleva, But it was of no use, she had to yield unless she chose to, Se neghi a me di dar qualche ristoro Davanti agli occhi tuoi, If you refuse to give me solace before your eyes I wish to. Fancy a game? e incluso de alimentos, para disponer de camas libres. This is not a good example for the translation above. por la humanidad y por mí como individuo. dying. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Most frequent English dictionary requests: El artista ha muerto, pero su legado artístico sobrevive. All we need's a bit of ground, to live and, Too Late to Die Young (Spanish: Tarde para, Stelle! is six times higher for cyclists and pedestrians than for car users. Los gobiernos deciden enviar a sus jóvenes al otro lado del mundo, Governments decide to send out their young people to the other part of the. key in which the future of our people is written. Human translations with examples: die, die!, death, to die, o morir, you die, a morir, and die,, el morir, a morir,. loss of a great patriot and a stalwart fighter for the causes she believed in for most of her life. The artist has died, but his artistic legacy lives on. ** La quiero a morir ("I love her to die" I'm not sure if it has sense in English ) : It's an idiomatic expression or way to emphasize how much he loves her ( "as much as is possible ") - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Verb. 1 (persona/animal) to die . Translation for 'morir' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. All we need's a bit of ground, to live and die on. All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time. Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. Find words for morir in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. See 10 authoritative translations of Morirse in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Non lo so, ma uno può morir di sete aspettando che tu ritorni. el crear riqueza y procurar distribuir su ingreso sí se quedará aquí. If action is not taken, this small but locally important industry may. Results: 149. Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. Ci basta un po' di terra, per vivere e morir. Many translated example sentences containing "morir" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Cuando me pidieron que escribiera este artículo, mi mamá me preguntó cómo es vivir pensando en el momento, My mom asked me, when I was asked to do this article, what it is like to live with thinking, En muchas ocasiones esto depende de cómo ha fallecido -no es lo mismo ser, In several occasions, this depends on the manner of death - it is not the same to, Esta estupenda mentira surge del abismo, porque, This stupendous lie came forth from the abyss because Jesus, Solo lamento que no podría siquiera verle la cara, porque en ese caso usted, estaría a miles de kilómetros de distancia, y yo estaré en la, My only regret is that I would not even see your face because in, that case you would be thousands of miles away while I shall be, Generaciones que se pierden en el tiempo y que conectan con nuestra cultura árabe reconquistada y abatida, pero que nunca lle, A heritage which is the missing link connecting them with an Arab culture that was regained then repressed but never complete, Pensemos en el cruel dilema al que se enfrentan, Let us think of the stark dilemma facing those, Como madre no me puede gustar una película en, As a mother, I cannot like a film where you allow.