Then, put my hand back under the jacket and leave the hand. I throw down my staff and show the snake. The story summary is written for kids. But that is how long the children of Israel had been waiting for God to deliver them out of slavery in Egypt. Today’s lesson from Exodus 3 and 4 describes the tough assignment God gave to Moses at the start of Moses’ leadership within the nation of Israel. the talking and you will show the proof of Me.” Moses took his family and God called Moses to do a very special job. Every lesson from God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers includes a full-color teaching picture for use in teaching the lesson. people that I AM sent you.” So, Moses asked “What if they don’t believe me or It includes the Hour B lesson plan and the needed reproducibles for that plan. After Moses’ failure, he fled from Egypt. Use this lesson to teach kids how God helps with difficult tasks. This is lesson #2. I found these at Michaels. These crafts to illustrate the lesson of Moses and the Burning Bush range from simple to involved. He took care of sheep for Sermon Title: "Moses and the Burning Bush" Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-15 CRY AND FIND: Children will scatter around a designated area. Fun Ways to Memorize the Books of the Bible, Fun Ways to Teach How the Bible is Organized, God Spoke to Moses In The Burning Bush Story Profile, The Land of the Exodus Bible Coloring Map. Moses lived in Midian for 40 years. In what tough assignment can you really use some help from God? “Why me and what am I supposed to tell them?” God said “I AM WHO I AM. Every lesson from God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers includes a Parents Connect page to help parents or guardians reinforce the lesson at home during the week following the lesson. Recruiting Volunteers: The Plan You Need to Win, 6 Questions That Will Change How You Think About Curriculum, Please click “Submit” if you would like to receive our email updates, which may contain information about our products. This was all part of God’s master plan in which Moses was to play an important part. This was one of many miraculous feats God would perform to … God called Moses to go to Egypt and lead the Hebrew people out of Egyptian bondage. (Above links are affiliate links.). the one God wants to go before Pharaoh and take them out of Egypt. This daughter of Pharaoh raised Moses as her own son. Visuals I used for this lesson are the burning bush. God tells Moses that He can God told Moses that He has seen how the Hebrew people were being treated in This fun tissue paper roller craft, based on the life of Moses and God’s call to Moses as found in Exodus 3 and 4, will help children remember that Moses was a special man who was called by God, and we are also called by God. Some of the work might seem easy to you, but other times it can be harder or just plain tough. This is the Hour B lesson plan for God Spoke to Moses (OT06L2HB). We will process your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy, which also contains details as to how you may unsubscribe from receiving our email updates. people leave Egypt. When we are faced with hard tasks, it isn’t always easy to accept the challenge, is it? Review with your students. God called a bush, except the bush wasn’t burning! There is so much for Moses; it was hard to pick which lessons to teach! Teach kids that God will help them with difficult tasks using this grab-and-go lesson. God told Moses that He knew that Pharaoh wasn't going to let the Moses had tried to help God’s people and failed miserably. Accept the ideas the students offer, as long as they are real-life situations that they will deal with in the next short while. they won’t listen to me?”. Moses had been born around the time that Pharaoh ordered the deaths of all male babies. Moses said Ask for a volunteer to read the Exod. One day God chose to speak to Moses through a burning bush that burned, but wasn't consumed. When Moses went near to see why, he heard a voice from inside the bush say: ‘Moses… In our own lives, each of us has to face hard jobs. Let some students share their thoughts on specific tasks they know they have to face. Moses wrote the first 5 books That knocked down every excuse that Moses had. For little children, you can simply narrate the story and let the children act it out. of the Bible and we find our lessons in the book of Exodus. Objective: That your students will describe ways the Lord strengthens His followers so they can tackle difficult tasks. Make friends with an enemy. Moses had a sister Miriam and an older In what ways will you accept the challenge to serve God? God had been preparing Moses for a great task, but Moses was getting older and wasn't expecting God to speak to him at this point in his life or in this location. This curriculum is Christ-centered, theologically sound and has biblically based lessons for every age, Toddler through Adult. Last week we learned about Moses. Young people your age are asked to do different kinds of jobs. Click on the Get Activity button below to view and/or download…. Some ideas you might hear: doing a hard school assignment or taking a test, finishing a project, playing in an athletic event, making friends in a new environment, doing some assigned task at home. leprosy! brother named Aaron. As your young people share their thoughts, show that you care about what they’re saying by listening carefully and giving each student your full attention. See more ideas about burning bush, bible crafts for kids, burning bush craft. An angel appeared in the flame of fire in I tuck it under my arm pit before class and wear a jacket over it. Through the miracle of the Burning Bush, Moses is informed he has been chosen to rescue God's people from slavery in Egypt. The places where Moses was before this week’s Bible story (Exodus 1-2) were Goshen, the Nile River, and Midian. Now, let’s take a look at some other ways that God prepared Moses for the assignment. God told Moses During the lesson, I put my hand under my jacket and pull out the hand. hand by your chest." We can see that God was ready to provide for Moses’ needs by sending Aaron along with Moses, and by showing Moses how powerful He is. Other articles inspired by Echoes Curriculum: Since 1989, Echoes has been the chosen curriculum that has taught God’s Word to life, presenting the relevant gospel of Jesus Christ to the African-American church. Have students find Exodus 3 in their Bibles. It makes for a great visual, but they see everything afterwards and know that only God has the power to do this. Now God had a new and difficult task for him. Today’s lesson from Exodus 3 and 4 describes the tough assignment God gave to Moses at the start of Moses’ leadership within the nation of Israel. God told Moses that he is This is the teaching picture for God Spoke to Moses (OT06L2TP). A couple can be adapted from their original idea to specifically fit this lesson. It means we have a choice to do something willingly—without being forced to do it. © 2020 David C Cook. Amram and his mother was Jochebed. Moses still isn't convinced, so God tells him to "Put your They will be added as soon as they are approved. This profile provides a simple overview of the story of God speaking to Moses in the burning bush along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. But what about those tasks where we might fail? All rights reserved. God spoke to Moses from the middle of a bush that was burning. Aug 23, 2020 - Explore Diana Bennett's board "Moses and the Burning Bush" on Pinterest. This “Land of the Exodus” Bible map will help kids learn where key places referenced in the story of the Exodus are located. God has an important task for each of us. is Exodus 3:1-4:17. Moses picked it up by the tail, it returned to his staff. Moses does, and when he pulls out his hand, it has returned to Egypt, Old Testament Overview: Introduction to the Bible, Overview of Select People in the Bible & designed to use with multiple ages in the class, find the easy directions to make one here.