Recent reports from Ofsted on English have focused on good practice. Ofsted's contributions will be to produce support materials to help schools identify and remedy weaknesses in mathematics as well as placing greater emphasis, in school inspection, on: *how effectively schools tackle inconsistency in the quality of mathematics teaching *how well teaching fosters understanding *students’ skills in solving problems *challenging extensive use of early and repeated entry to GCSE examinations. If you would like to blog on the Guardian Teacher Network please email and please don't be shy about commenting on blogs on this page. Ofsted Mathematics Reports and Resources/, STEM education: national policies and reports/, Mathematics education policies and reports/, Mathematics education policies and reports: Teaching and Learning/. In reality we as mathematics teachers need to be spending a good period of time with great artists of the profession. We use cookies to collect information about how you use this website. As highlighted above, subject survey visits and reports are unique and valuable sources of information to the education community. 121"" The"inspector"observed"four"Year"9lessons"involving"a‘newspaper"comparison’"taskof" It is deeply concerning to read of how low attainment is often a "self-fulfilling prophecy" with the degradation through 11 and 16 being a well trodden path. Looking for your next role? When I finished my teacher training, I remember our tutor's last words to us. ... Made to Measure. Based on over 300 inspections, this is a critical if not damning summary of the status quo. As an educator I must reflect on my own practice to make sure I am preparing tasks that will engage and develop every learner. ACME Please be aware that resources have been published on the website in the form that they were originally supplied. Connections and understanding are pillars of successful mathematics education. Also see 1. This is available to those of us who are keen but is yet to be part of the fabric of the UK educators' tool kit. Unfortunately, as long as schools are judged on A*- C results and not on how much progress each individual student makes we will be forced to make C/D borderline at GCSE the focus of our interventions. But the way this is done is also hugely important. "Great teaching is an art form." Report on ICT survey 2008-2011; Reducing the variability of teaching. ACME is concerned that subject-specific aspect of Ofsted’s work has decreased and that no national mathematics-specific report has been published since Mathematics: made to measure in 2012. Find an inspection report and registered childcare. As the report suggest, developing teachers' understanding of mathematics is key to solving these issues. You can follow him on Twitter @pumphreysmaths. Uploaded By atekeee. We read that the path is depressingly predictable for the low attaining student from the age of seven and that provision for gifted mathematicians is often inadequate. To reach the goals that Ofsted have mentioned in this report there needs to be an inbuilt system for teachers to constantly reflect on what quality mathematics teaching looks like. Published 22 May 2012 From: This report, written for the Department for Education is based on evidence from Ofsted inspections of mathematics between January 2008 and July 2011 in 160 primary and 160 secondary maintained schools. Mathematics: made to measure May 2012, No. Our blogger calls for a revolution in maths education and a fundamental shift in the way we assess mathematical understanding at GCSE, Ofsted's Mathematics: made to measure report is welcomed, but only the beginning.