There are not many books on leadership in the OT; other books cover similar but not identical leadership roles, e.g., Joseph Blenkinsopp, Sage, Priests, Prophet: Religious and Intellectual Leadership in Ancient Israel (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995); Lester L. Grabbe, Priests, Prophets, Diviners, Sages: A Socio-Historical Study of Religious Specialists in Ancient Israel (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1995). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One thing is clear though, if Christians believe they are powerless to change the world they will act accordingly and their belief will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By the help of the Holy Spirit. 6, 75, 98), and “The Deuteronomist” (p. 75). However, I would recommend it with some caution. The Kingdom doesn’t require Christian hegemony such as existed during the Byzantine Empire to flourish. This quality of obedience is a characteristic that many people do not possess. The challenge that is in front of us is to take our eyes and set our eyes beyond the four walls of the church to see the heart of the city. The final chapter traces the role of a sage, a wise advisor of the family and a community, and the king. The Pharaoh is testifying about Joseph when he asked if it is possible to find a leader such as Joseph who is filled with the Holy Spirit in whom the Spirit of God of God was present. The book contains four chapters, one each for the four leadership roles Stevens identifies in the OT: king, prophet, priest, and sage. Not all of them are leaders who are coming here on a Sunday morning service. The section on divination could have been condensed. The Old Testament book of Genesis tells of personalities that showed leadership behaviors that revealed strengths and weakness. The Bible does not say that Abraham was a great leader because of his leadership style. Any of these formal leaders would provide us with a treasure of information about what constitutes good leadership and also what constitutes indifferent or even poor leadership. Both clergy and lay leaders in the church will be enriched and empowered by the biblical grounding Stevens offers to the challenges leaders face in every age. Lying is a sin. As a student of the word of God, we need to collect everything together. The chapter ends with a helpful discussion of the Israelite kings falling short of their task to “mirror the reign of the Divine King” (p. 28). Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.” “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. Old Testament Stevens teaches biblical studies at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. An unteachable spirit will not listen to God. The prominence of textual history and sources is mentioned above in relation to the discussion about the priestly lines. She is the author of, Suggest an Out-of-Print Title for Republication, Custom Reprinting Frequently Asked Questions, Testimonials from Our Customers and Authors, Bookfinding Tips for Tracking Down a Hard-to-Find Book, See Events Calendar for Full Details About Upcoming Conferences». A proud heart brings an unteachable spirit. You do not need to be appointed but rather like Nehemiah simply start to do something. Photo … They were by no means the only great leaders used mightily by God. Most of all they feared God and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Abraham’s character showed a man who was faithful to his God. Look around you and identify something you can do near by. and H.E.D from University of South Africa and M.A. She is Associate Professor in the Arthur L. Larson position of Stewardship and Parish Ministry, Chief Financial Officer, and Registrar at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Does your church understand or practice healthy servant leadership? This may be due to the constraints of this type of book. “The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the people and keep the goods for yourself.” But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “With raised hand I have sworn an oath to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, ‘I made Abram rich.’ “ Genesis 14:21-23, Although Noah and Abraham were faithful to God, there are many who find it difficult to be committed to a “calling” or a “purpose.”. This is set on the background of ancient Greek and ancient Near Eastern prophets who speak in the name of the divine (pp. In the book – Developing Leaders Within You, John C Maxwell states that “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” Everybody is influenced by others – be it our house or our workplace. It is true because pride stops a person from listening and from being taught. Do You Understand the Subject of Burnout? A simple example that explains what a false witness is – our employer will be able to trust in us only when they know that we do not lie – truthful and trustworthy. But we are called to influence. Leadership is not just authority; in it’s broadest sense it’s influence, of which authority is merely one form. It becomes obvious that Nehemiah was well respected by the King who he had served for some time. Here she addresses the cutting-edge issue of leadership and directs our attention to the important roles of leadership in the life of ancient Israel . In the Old Testament, we find a number of leaders who led with distinction. The world's problems seem so big and challenging that we feel helpless - so we do nothing. We are called to lead broken lives. 85–90). Mention is made of Jesus the Messiah as the endpoint of a “theological trajectory,” which takes place “in the early Church” (p. 30). This engaging volume is intended for people who want to know more about the Old Testament, whether in personal study, church groups, college classrooms, or seminary courses. So in fifty two days the wall was completed (6:15) leaving us a great example today of how an ordinary person moved by compassion could achieve a great result. The challenge is to look around yourself and be moved by what you see in this world and then ask God for guidance in how to become a leader in achieving something to make a difference. Phone: (902)482-7393, Learning from the OT Leaders : Moses – Reluctant but Willing. There is a great scarcity of leadership in the Christian world. Mordecai went from being an ordinary foreigner in Susa to a favored man in the Court of the Persian ruler, Xerxes. The lying spirit is not from God. Yet it is in more accessible books that the influence of ideological positions can be more pernicious. musical talents, his empowering bravery and expert knowledge in battlefield Born round the 1000 BC. We are glad that we can base our teaching on the best-selling book. So Esau despised his birthright.” Genesis 25:29-34. One important principle is called – “Here a little, there a little”. Joseph was elevated from a prisoner to the chief administrator over Egypt and was responsible for influencing Pharaoh to save the empire from famine. One example is from –. ** Click here to review our ePub FAQ and policies. So this book, especially since it is aimed at the layperson, helps to fill the gap. Good leaders are not available in the Christian world. Evangelicalism and the Early Church: Recovery, Reform, Renewal, Missiological Hermeneutics: Biblical Interpretation for the Global Church, Paul’s Missionary Methods: In His Time and Ours, Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission.