BEPP 789 Nations, Politics, and Markets. The focus is on the "big picture" of global economic developments and the evolution of economic thought over the last one hundred years. Behavioral economics has revealed a variety of systematic ways in which people deviate from being perfectly selfish, rational, optimizing agents. The Business Economics and Public Policy concentration provides skills and insights that are useful to future consultants, private and public managers, lawyers, economists, political scientists, and policy analysts. The compound model is then used to establish the distribution of losses. Spring 2018, BEPP 203 BP 289/789 Fall 2012 Nations, Politics and Markets Course Objectives The goal of this course is to understand the current situation in light of the past and assess the performance of the global economy over last one hundred years, focusing on the interplay between events, economic theories and government policies. Prerequisite: BEPP 250 OR ECON 001 OR ECON 010, BEPP 207 Economics for the Next Hundred Years. Other members of the department will serve as unofficial advisers to students according to expertise and interests. This course will examine the provision of public services for firms and people through cities. This course presents an analysis of overall private wealth management. While the focus will be on evidence from the U.S., some research from other industrialized and developing countries will also be covered. While the course will focus primarily on U.S. policies, the topics covered (e.g. At the national level, potential questions include the implementation of a national electric grid for automobile charging, reforms to disaster preparedness systems, and immigration reform. For example, I do not know how to solve. o BEPP 236: International Housing Comparisons This course presumes knowledge of intermediate economics, as we will apply that knowledge throughout the semester. BEPP 208: Housing Markets Public goods, externalities, uncertainty, and income redistribution as sources of market failures; private market and collective choice models as possible correcting mechanisms. BEPP 305: Risk Management. o HCMG 202: The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery We will study, for example, why Sony won the Blu-Ray format war against the widely supported HD-DVD format; how the FCC plans to incentivize television broadcasters to return spectrum holdings for auction to wireless broadband providers; and how contracts with content providers affect firms' strategic interactions in the e-reader market. The course aims to train students to do applied economic research that involves measuring effects of theoretical or practical interest. The ASP is intended to generate an interchange of ideas and perspectives and to provide the student with an opportunity to pursue a narrow topic in depth. The goal of this course is to help doctoral students develop critical thinking skills through both seminar participation and writing of referee reports. After attending the seminar and the ensuing discussion of the paper, students will prepare follow-up evaluations of their referee report reports, due one week after the seminar. BEPP 289 Nations, Politics, and Markets; Finance. Fall 2020, BEPP 233 Download or View any Wharton course Syllabi. - Over the last several decades, energy markets have become some of the most dynamic markets of the world economy. All doctoral students with applied microeconomic interests are encouraged to attend and present. Internationally, the course covers issues of access to housing and housing informality in developing countries, financial crises arising out of the housing sector, and market-oriented and public policy solutions. This course also explores different schools of thought. Data: o BEPP 263: Environmental & Energy Economics and Policy The course will chronicle and compare economic policy and performance of the United States, Europe, Japan and emerging markets (Asia, Latin America, Africa). o HCMG 352: Healthcare Services Delivery: A Managerial Economic Approach To understand how firm strategy and public policy interact, the course will rely on a mix of simple but rigorous analytical models and case studies. The course concludes with a discussion of new sources of risk capital provided by capital markets including catastrophic risk bonds, securitization of mortality and liability risk, and other forms of insurance-linked securities. Also Offered As: BEPP 761, BEPP 961, ESE 567, OIDD 261, OIDD 761, BEPP 263 Environmental & Energy Economics and Policy. This course should be attractive to most students to help them plan for their own or their families' financial affairs. Additionally, recent breakthroughs in the FinTech arena are integrating innovative approaches to help consumers. This course is the usual entry point in the actuarial science program. The course will spend time on risk financing, including insurance markets. Towards the end of the course, we will investigate specific policy questions, allowing us to debate solutions while hearing from policy makers operating in a world of behavioral agents. The course is abundantly illustrated by examples from the insurance and finance literature. Particular attention will be paid to important policy issues relating to taxation, social security, low-income assistance, health insurance, education (both K-12 and higher ed), the environment, and government deficits. Individuals and firms confront risk in nearly all decisions they make. Towards the end of the course, we will investigate specific policy questions, allowing us to debate solutions while hearing from policy makers operating in a world of behavioral agents. The bulk of the applications are to business situations including investment and entry, bargaining, managerial incentive contracts, network effects, product location, and two-sided markets. o BEPP 208: Housing Markets are currently at the center of the policy debate in many other industrialized countries as well. o BEPP 263: Environmental & Energy Economics and Policy We will analyze pricing strategies including versioning and bundling; product standardization decisions; the management of complementarities between products; the role of network effects and platform competition; and how firms can take advantage of the regulatory environment they operate in when making such decisions. Students are free to take more fundamentals courses, in which case they count towards the four courses. Also Offered As: BEPP 836, REAL 236, REAL 836. All analysis will be conducted using R. The goals of the course are for students to become expert consumers able to interpret and evaluate empirical studies as well as expert producers of convincing empirical analysis themselves.