As soon as they hit the free-throw stripe on the way back they have to post up and sink a shot before they can give the ball back to their team. In other words, they don’t just learn to dribble, shoot, and pass – they learn how to use those skills against a live opponent in a real game situation. This drill is similar to the way that the NBA runs the three point contest. Make it easier:  For younger players, you’ll want to move the spots much closer - in the 15 foot range, with a couple even closer to the hoop as well. After a basket is made the player must then make a pass from half-court back to their baseline. Move out from underneath the basket in five incremental stations (only after a basket is sunk) all the way until you hit the three point line. It runs on down the line until all players have shot their shot and then a winner is crowned. Bounce the ball while doing different locomotor movements – walking, running, skipping, sliding, hopping, going backwards. Break your team or your gym class into two different groups, one starting from one baseline and another starting from the other. Make sure that there is always a defender trying to block the shot. The basic elements of the game and the mechanics necessary to make shots from anywhere on the floor with confidence are what separates good players from great players. Focus on slowly and consistently building your shot, thinking about every motion you take as you get into the shooting position on through your release. Stretch arms and body as high as possible and catch the ball above the head with arms fully extended. This drill is a spin-off of a popular kids game. Also, try to throw the ball to one side or the other to give one player an advantage - otherwise you will end up with some big collisions if it’s a real 50/50 ball. Improve your basketball game by starting each workout with this stationary dribbling routine. If you want to make this more competitive you can even count the amount of made baskets until a mess for each individual player, crowning the one with the most baskets the winner at the end of practice. © Copyright 2020 - Kids Activities | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms & Conditions |kid activities is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Keep dribbling and walking on your tiptoes, then walk "down the stairs" by gradually bending your legs and crouching low to the floor where you started. Players get to keep shooting until they miss at which point they join “The Mob”. Repeat as quickly as possible. Have the even numbers line up on one sideline, and the odd numbers line up on the opposite side. It’s almost exactly how he got himself ready before every single game. After shot has been made the next teammate in line gets the ball and their chance to do the exact same thing. If you’re working with kids under 10, it’s extremely … Whenever the team yells “RED LIGHT” that player then has to stop and shoot the ball. Basketball Coaching » Basketball Drills » Top 5 Fun Basketball Drills for Kids. We will never share your information. It teaches players to keep their head up while dribbling. Reverse the order and run the elevator back up to the top floor. You shoot from anywhere you like on the floor until you drain a shot that you are happy with. If one challenge is too difficult, just move on to another one. No reproduction permitted without permission. On a make, they grab that cone, their rebound, and bring them back to the line. Instead of having your basketball players shoot from stationary positions on the court instead set up a handful of cones at different spots you want them to focus on.