I know a guy who used to sell fake Jordans. If it’s possible to press on the carbon fiber and make a slight dent, chances are the shoes are replicas. Many of the same underpaid workers that make the real Jordans and other mainstream merchandise, are selling counterfeit versions under the table. As for the second step of the guide on how to spot fake Air Jordan 11, we are going to inspect the text tab that’s placed behind the laces of the Air Jordan XI sneakers. This is the spot just before the heel seam where the shape of the patent leather has two arches on either side of the heel seam. This is getting ridiculous! Most of the time, the fake Air Jordan XI sneakers will have their toe box looking over-inflated and a lot curvier than they have to be, Check how shiny the glossy materials around the sneakers are. It is really hard sometimes to differentiate between the real deal and the fake ones. Prefer having your items checked by one of our authenticators? It is visible in the fake vs real Air Jordan XI image above how, on the fake sneakers, the toe box area looks overinflated. Follow this resourceful guide full of photos, videos, and notable differences that will help you determine whether a pair is 100% authentic or fake. By overinflated, we mean that the fake Jordan XI sneakers usually have their toe box looking a lot curvier, more massive and arched than the authentic sneakers’ toe box, which is less arched and angled. Man I’m gettin those when I get paid. As for the fifth and the last step of the fake vs real Air Jordan XI sneakers legit check guide, we are going to inspect the shininess of the real vs fake Air Jordan XI sneakers. Adding to this, the legitimate aj11 2009 up has 5 pinholes, it is a blackdot on the egg shape in the sole. It’s a vicious cycle! Thanks Ryan for taking the time to write this. Oh well, guess they’ll have to figure out better ways to police this coz I really don’t think no one cares about taking money out of their already fat pockets. Fake Jordan sites have sprung up all over the web in recent years.. On the other hand, the legit Air Jordan 11 sneakers have their left arm looking on the same thickness all over it. A number of manufacturers are able to create replica sneakers that look almost identical to the real version. To be one hundred percent positive about the authenticity of the shoes when purchasing Nike Air Jordan 11s, the safest bet is to buy directly from the manufacturer. The gap between the ball of the jumpan and the pod is wider on the authentic pair ( remember both shoes are the same size ) (1) the fake pair has the wrong colorway written on the box label. I always warned him about deals – especially on the internet – that might be too good to be true. I will definitely show him this page. Most of these pointers I would have never even thought of. Where there are two rows of stitches, they should always be parallel, never getting too close together or too far apart. The texture of the box will also be uniform. Did I miss anything? I just want to tell you, In case you didn’t already know… There is a website network which already has more than 16 million users, and the majority of the users are looking for websites like yours. I was able to pick up a retail pair this week for the sole purpose of doing a side by side comparison with its fake … So, the shining of the glossy material on the side of the authentic Jordans is at a lower level than the shining of the material on the fake sneakers. Most of the time, the fake toe box area on the Jordan XI sneakers is either too big (over-inflated) or too small.