Thus, the promotional planners must know the roles advertising and other promotional-mix elements will play in the overall marketing program. This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 26 pages. After the overall marketing plan is reviewed, the next step in developing a promotional plan is to conduct the situation analysis. Section 4: IMC Planning Process: Target, Product Positioning & Communication Objectives. what is an integrated marketing communications (imc) plan? Integrated marketing communication is the the process of coordinating all this activity across different communication methods. Once the message and media strategies have been determined, steps must be taken to implement them. A brand is a unified vision (the art) and a complex system of message delivery and exchange (the science). 4, Golgasht Alley, Africa Blvd, Tehran, Iran. The manager should write out a description, of the brand so that anyone will immediately understand what it is and, what specific need it satisfies. 2. Analysis of the Communications Process – determining how the company can effectively communicate with customers in the target market. While the marketer’s advertising agencies may be used to perform some of the other IMC functions, they may also hire other communication specialists such as direct-marketing and interactive and/or sales promotion agencies, as well as public relations firms. Integrating the MARCOM tools is futile if contrary and more powerful messages are sent by other brand actions. Unit 3, No. Developing the Integrated Marketing Communications Program. You can’t not communicate. A planning process designed to ensure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time. Everything a brand does (and sometimes what it doesn’t do) can send a message. In reality, promotional budgets are often determined using a more simplistic approach, such as how much money is available or a percentage of a company’s or brand’s sales revenue. Communication objectives refer to what the firm seeks to accomplish with its promotional program. How BDI/CDI Matrix Works; A Practical Example of a Real-World Project. Many media agencies like Armani Media Agency create a strategic media plan helping their clients to better manage and allocate their media budget in an IMC campaign and also to better get their target audiences. Taking time to focus one’s attention like, this on the details of a brand often enables the manager to see it in a, clearer light. Additionally, a media plan and methods of evaluating the success of this IMC plan are described. Before a manager can begin to think of specific marketing com-, munications issue, it is very important to carefully analyze what is, known about the market. This process, along with the ads that result, is to many students the most fascinating aspect of promotion. ), After a review of the marketing plan, it is time to begin the five-step, strategic planning process introduced in Chapter 1. 245 The IMC planning process In this chapter we shall be looking at the specific steps involved in the strategic planning process for integrated marketing communications (IMC). The promotional planner must think about the process consumers will go through in responding to marketing communications. 12. Until now we discussed about IMC and its implementation, as you see above, as an advertising agency, one of the jobs that you might have to do is to planning the media which are suitable for execution of a firm’s IMC campaign. London, UK: Pearson Education. is a platform for academics to share research papers. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. This begins at the second step in the strategic planning. This can involve a SWOT analysis, and an external and … Touch points are contact points that touch our emotions. Adapted definition is: IMC is a process of strategic planning in order to determine the most consistent mes-sage and expose it to the target audience through the synergy of marketing communi-cation instruments and media.