freely play out Shadowjeweler Hanar and spend the remainder of your Mana on Brave the Beyond: Shadowlands is Now Live! Worgen Infiltrator gives you an additional one drop to improve your chances for an aggressive start. very difficult to obtain as a Rogue, it is important to prevent as much damage Against Aggro, you can additionally look for Backstab to help control If the player chooses to replace any cards, the deck (including the replaced cards) will be shuffled (randomised) once the mulligan is complete. Plus since you can only have one Flik Skyshiv, is it necessary to keep a Shadowstep for multiple taunts? Slam and Fiery War Axe are the only two cards we would definitely keep. Once both players have submitted their selections, an animation shows which of the opponent's cards were replaced (how many and which hand position they were in). you should have no issue replenishing your hand with cards like Finding a one drop is especially important since we’re on the play and do not have access to the coin. Hearthstone Gold Farming Guide: How To Get Gold for Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Packs? Barov can be kept if you have a powerful hand alongside it. 75 is the value of TIMEOUT in the log file. Quick Mulligan Guide: Always keep polkelt. It is therefore possible to draw a mulliganed card at any point in the game with equal probability, including the very first draw of the game on turn 1. It’s worth noting that Twilight Drake may be a stronger turn 4 play than Mountain Giant against Priest since the Drake can’t die to Shadow Word: Death. Libram of Wisdom with Aldor Attendant. Therefore, to avoid revealing any information to the opponent, sometimes players would engage in mulligan "standoffs" where both waited until the last possible moment to confirm their mulligans. Arcane Shot is very powerful against Warlock Aggro as it is a simple, one card answer to troublesome minions such as Knife Juggler. It’s important to consider what deck you believe your opponent is playing when deciding a mulligan. Now let’s look at some midrange and control strategies. This allowed some assessment of the opponent's starting hand and an appropriate response. Warlock Giants generally wants to open with Mountain Giant or Twilight Drake on turn 4 after using Life Tap on turns 2 and 3. be looking for any playable early-game minion in your opening hand. All rights reserved. Throughout the game you should be constantly looking to play your minions Take your time, and think through the matchup carefully. Secret Rogue is a tempo deck that uses Secrets to disrupt opponents while Unleash the Hounds is one of the more powerful cards in the deck and enables and empowers many of your other cards, so we will generally always keep it unless we feel it is specifically weak in a certain match-up. The hand above is very solid. In this example we’re on the play and we’ve decided to mulligan all three cards. World of WarCraft, StarCraft, Diablo, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard Entertainment or its licensors. Alura can be kept on the coin and libram of wisdom should be kept most of the time. [7] However, the change was made in Karazhan to show mulligan animations simultaneously, thus removing any reason to delay confirming the mulligan, and preventing any more standoffs. I hope you enjoy. Follow Us On Twitter ... Quick Mulligan Guide: Always keep polkelt. Yet Slam is still a card you frequently want in your opening hand since it allows you to respond to your opponent’s early plays. A turn 1 Harvest Golem is already a very strong play and saving the Innervate for turn 2 will sacrifice our ability to make a play on turn 1. Backstab and Preparation to control the board. Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! The mulligan stage begins with each player being given a random selection of cards, 3 cards for the player going first and 4 cards for the player going second. Alura can also be a keep with a good enough hand on the coin. While we almost always consider Harvest Golem a “three drop,” we don’t consider a spell like Lightning Bolt a one drop. Secrets you are able to generate. Early pressure is key. Other auto keeps include Righteous Cause, Muster for Battle, and Lost in the Jungle. For example, Warlock Aggro is off to a bad start if it has to Life Tap on turn 2. Hi, love to play this deck, feels pretty good; but I am new to rouge so I struggle a little bit; I loose against EVERY DH I have to face…-.-, Mulligan for ooze, shadoweaver, shadowstep. Let’s consider some examples from traditional aggressive strategies first. If we don’t need to use the Coin or removal, we would likely Coin Sen’jin Shieldmasta on turn 3 and use Armor Up on turn 2. You can, but it is not recommendable. This hand is marginally stronger than our initial hand. As a hyper-aggro deck, it is incredibly important to have the fastest opener. Breaking news: Hearthstone: Descent of Dragons guide.