It’s just an illusion to think that recent Covid 19 is troubling everyone. Out of all the senses, the best way to begin with is to engage tongue in serving the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa by chanting His Holy names –, Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare HareHare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare. Nisargadatta Maharaj beautifully expressed the same idea: “You are always seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, always after happiness and peace. Ignorance is defined as the confusion that makes us see that which is eternal (the Self) as transitory and limited. 3:8). These cookies do not store any personal information. Causes of Suffering. In fact, this pair governs most of our lives, consciously or unconsciously conditioning us, and it is the breeding ground for our worldly desires. What we uncover acts as a guide as we set our compass in the direction of healing. Personal practices can and should be changed and rearranged as the person experiences deeper connection with themselves. Asana, or physical postures, are probably the most well-known in the west. Personalised Alignment & Fascia Intensive. An example would be considering and treating ephemeral things like the physical body or personal belongings as eternal and hoping that they will be sources of everlasting happiness. YogaMéditationAteliersBien-êtreAutre, Langue | Language
Vedic scriptures informs us that distresses in this world are not accidental. In the story, Shishupala, the King of Chedi, was released from the grip of the world by “virtue” of his abiding hatred for the god Vishnu over a period of three lifetimes. According to the Yoga Sutras, it is the first and the most important of the five kleshas (causes of suffering that bind humans to the cycle of rebirth). This is called sanātana-dharma which means eternally serving Lord Kṛṣṇa. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Many translated example sentences containing "causes of suffering" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. As explained above, living entities are fragmental parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord. Worldwide global pandemic Covid 19 has killed many thousands of people world wide and going to kill many. Everyone in this material world lives only for sense gratification and considers this sense gratification as so called happiness. After an accident, we visit and revisit what happened, how it happened and whose fault it was. In fact, questioning the purpose of suffering gives oneself the opportunity to inquire about the very purpose of life. The short-term goal is to feel better and to reduce uncomfortable symptoms, a path the yoga therapist will choose carefully alongside the client. Being impermanent, the different aspects of the world cannot bring us eternal happiness. Two people with the same diagnosis, such as migraine headache, may have similar symptoms with different root causes; likewise, a single symptom can point to different issues within the same person. While everyone is disturbed because of Covid 19, Mother nature is simultaneously sending disturbances in terms of earthquakes, storms, wars, locusts etc. This idea is expressed in the Uddhava Gita (4:22): “On whatever the individual concentrates the mind fully and intelligently either through attachment or even through hatred—with that he becomes coessential.”, Ramakrishna also advises us how to use attraction in a spiritual manner: “Have faith in God’s forms. Asmita, “I am-ness,” represents the feeling of being just a personal entity. In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, chanting the holy names of the Lord is the only means of deliverance. Your email address will not be published. Offerings like “Yoga for Back Pain” and “Yoga for Stress Relief” are common, and seemingly increasing every day. Causes of suffering can manifest in many ways.
If the spiritual aspirant directs them consciously and wisely, their energies can be used for spiritual progress. He is the ruler of darkness and evil (Eph. Since Lord Krishna is completely independent, His fragmental portions also have independence but that is minute. Every thoughtful person naturally asks these questions “Why this suffering is forced upon us? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Within this world, the materialistic person lives only for sense gratification and considers this sense gratification as so called happiness.
As soon as a person considers sense gratification the aim of life, he certainly becomes mad after materialistic living and engages in all kinds of sinful activity. Sri Ramakrishna describes this identification with a very simple but eloquent comparison: “As long as God keeps the awareness of ‘I’ in us, so long do the sense objects exist; and we cannot very well speak of the world as a dream. 13:39). When suffering comes to us, we naturally — instinctively — want to know what or who has caused it. Repulsion binds us as much as attraction because it is the expression of a force (the repulsive force) connecting two elements that repel each other. Try the other way: indifferent to pain and pleasure, neither asking nor refusing, give all your attention to the level on which ‘I am’ is timelessly present. Help us spread the word! Repulsion and attraction are two faces of the same coin. They both keep the human being at the level of the mind, grasping for what is pleasurable and rejecting what it is not pleasurable. Lord Sri Krishna declares in Bhagavad Gita that living entities are His fragmental parts & parcels. On the contrary, they bring us illusion, attachment, suffering, and pain. What is the root cause of suffering – Recently entire earthly planet has been shaken up by many unfortunate & disturbing events. This means that rather than a set of exercises or a protocol for, say, arthritis, yoga therapy looks beyond the diagnosis—and sometimes even beyond the symptoms—to find the underlying cause of someone’s suffering. Yoga therapists will typically work with clients over time to understand the full picture of how suffering is arising for them. Annie Jones, C-IAYT, is a yoga therapist in the lineage of T. K. V. Desikachar, a Vedic chanting instructor, and a clinical herbalist. By misuse of his minute free will, living entity engages in sense gratification. Every living entity, as an individual soul, has minute form of independence. For example, we are tied to the person we hate more firmly than to the person to whom we are indifferent. So, the sense of individuality that creates the personality is due to the identification of the Knower (i.e., the Witness Consciousness) with the instruments of knowledge. Dvesha is only raga (attachment) in the negative. Yoga therapy works best when it is personalized. The same senses which are engaged in sense gratification must be directed towards serving the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Raga means “attachment” or “passion.” The third klesha, “Raga (attachment) [is that which] is based on pleasant [experiences].” (Yoga Sutras, 2:7) Therefore, raga is defined as the attraction we feel towards any person or object when any kind of pleasure or happiness is derived from that person or object.