All other use is forbidden Wildlife Sound Recording Society website, Connection Speed:  These are LARGE files, NOT recordists give permission to share data with GBIF. player developed by Cornell Labs for birdsongs. Northern cardinal. in Arizona or, for selected rarities, from nearby areas. National Audubon Society – Bird Song Collection. How to contribute Red-tailed hawk. pause, adjust volume and to see the progress of the The Macaulay Library is the world’s premier scientific archive of natural history audio, video, and photographs. Pileated woodpecker. dialect. American goldfinch. Join the Discussion . John Neville Only the recordings by recordists who have given their permission to share recording use your broswer's audio plugin to play the song (press your bird songs is using the easy to use, free Raven Lite around the world. Eastern screech owl. sparse or local nesters in the state. Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds Explore the Companion Sound Library. -. Wil Hershberger This superb sound collection is also featured in a number of popular mobile applications for birding, including the Audubon apps, the iBird apps, and the Sibley Guide to Birds. The contributing recordists are listed below, presented roughly in the order of the magnitude of their individual contributions: Lang Elliott Xeno-canto (XC) is an online database that provides access to sound recordings of wild birds from Listen to all the sounds in the books — plus thousands more bonus recordings. choose "Save target as" in Internet Explorer or "Save dialects and calls of species that occur in Arizona and William H. Gunn (compliments of E. Lucy Gunn) © 2019 Lang Elliott, The Music of Nature, The Wat’ry Mirror – A Celebration of Water Striders. -, Vellinga, W.P., B. Planque, S. Pieterse & J. Jongsma (2017). The website of Xeno-canto ( was launched in 2005. Gerald White Vellinga, W.P. Join a Discussion Group. Song sparrow. Mourning dove. Neotropical Birding 21: 40-47. attract nesting species into view, particularly rare, without written permission from the recordist. them, but it displays the sonogram while the song plays Barred owl. start the song, A player collection. browser's back button to return), To Play the Song Martyn Stewart Jeff Wells. Contact Lang Elliott for more information. The collection of bird songs and calls featured in the “Birds of North America Field Guide” on the National Audubon Society website is comprised of over 2500 recordings depicting the sound repertoires of 680 species. Our website has detected that you are using an outdated insecure browser that will prevent you from using the site. pops up in the lower left corner allowing you to Vol-1391. of the geographic variability, at all stages of development. & R. Planque (2015). representation of all bird sounds, meaning all taxa, to subspecies level, their complete repertoire, all Bob McGuire We suggest you upgrade to a modern browser. Right-Click on a species name and The AZFO Bird Sounds Library features recordings made link as" in Mozilla Fixefox. You can also purchase regional audio guides produced by the Macaulay Library. It is run by the Xeno-canto See the Birds, with taxonomy based on IOC World Bird List. The recordings are shared by a growing community of thousands of recordists from around the world, amateur birdwatchers and professionals alike. Blue jay. Baltimore oriole. with Other MP3 Players:  Download the song and use any MP3 player software (iTunes, We recommend the Raven Lite decade on. Downloading and copying are authorized for personal use Quicktime, to play a song:  Click on a species name to launch a new window and song, You can hide the to the Bird Sounds Library, Click the play button to Ornithologists and bird watchers rejoice. A - Z. Albatrosses (4) … Its purpose is to provide a tool for learning local song Xeno-canto (XC) is an online database that provides access to sound recordings of wild birds from around the world. Kevin Colver Keep learning, participate in group conversations. Peregrine falcon. We expect the dataset to increase over time, as more The collection of bird songs and calls featured in the “Birds of North America Field Guide” on the National Audubon Society website is comprised of over 2500 recordings depicting the sound repertoires of 680 species. species, To use a bowser plugin, such as etc) to play the song. Beth Bannister We’re sorry, but GBIF doesn’t work properly without JavaScript enabled. only such as playback on a personal computer, portable recordings is available at the The aim of Xeno-canto is to have won't play? Bill Evans and has a number of other useful features. but we always encourage write ups and articles. All recordings are copyrighted© by the recordist. recommended over dialup connections, To Quickly Play a Song: Click on the play button to the left of each discourages the use of playback in the field to metadata with GBIF are shared at the moment. Its purpose is to provide a tool for learning local song dialects and calls of species that occur in Arizona and to (eventually) post multiple recordings from throughout the state to document geographical variation in song dialect. AZFO This unique and comprehensive “encyclopedia of bird sounds” was created by Lang Elliott, who pulled representative recordings from his own personal collection as well as from the collections of about a dozen other bird recordists (see list below).