But even the healthiest people get sick sometimes. Rest back against your pillows, get warm under your blankets and let the tea help you heal. Terms of Use Mullein tea can be helpful for getting rid of colds and other respiratory infections along with other immune boosting herbs, and it can also soothe pain and congestion caused by chronic respiratory conditions. Mullein is commonly taken at 3g a day and used to treat various respiratory illnesses, although it has not been specifically studied for bronchitis. And donât forget to follow us on A nasal rinse can help to remove phlegm and soothe irritated blood vessels that cause congestion. Follow us also on Common colds are caused by extreme lung mucus and resulting to chest congestion. Licorice root tea may help to ease Herbal teas can help you cure a bad cold or bring relief to a bad case of allergies, but they may also build your defenses and prevent the disease itself. Adding moisture to the air can help to ease the feeling of a stuffy nose. Go for the most natural and least processed tea that has the actual eucalyptus leaves, like Buddha Teas’ loose leaf variety. The same thing happens in your chest when it fills with phlegm. You might reach for cold medicine or pills that send your head into a fuzz, at a loss of how else to handle your clogged, running nose. If you have nasal congestion, symptoms can feel worse at night. Choose a tea that will help soothe your throat at the same time and clear your lungs as well. Then feel free to Contact Us! Most of these ingredients have a medicinal role in helping chest congestion … Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. Self-medication is not advised. You can also add a few drops of essential oils like clary sage oil, eucalyptus oil, or lavender oil if desired. LIVESTRONG.com may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Best of all, it's a delicious way to stay hydrated, which is an important part of the immune response when fighting a cold or flu. . When flu season hits, make sure to have a few of these tasty teas on hand. In addition to these over-the-counter medications, drinking certain types of tea may help to alleviate some of your allergy symptoms caused by animals, ragweed, and other plants. Research shows that quercetin works to prevent the release of histamine that triggers allergic reactions and it also boasts anti-inflammatory properties that may help to ease symptoms of congestion (1). Add a dash of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice and honey for the best results. It has an elements that will commonly ease the chest congestion called alliin. They can help to open up your airways and offer temporary allergy relief. Some herbal teas have been associated with helping reduce inflammation and act as an expectorant to help keep the airways free from phlegm, according to MedlinePlus. Did you know that some tea can be enjoyed as a drink and also used as an antimicrobial nasal rinse? The best teas for sinus drainage address the real cause of your congestion. Personalized Tea Favors from beau-coup.com. If you're suffering from sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and itchy eyes, try one of the teas on this list of the best teas for allergies. Below I've listed the best herbs to support respiratory health. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that echinacea can help prevent the common cold that can lead to chest congestion. With so many varieties, it is no wonder several types of herbal remedies can soothe your cold symptoms. Strategies to Prevent and Heal Sinus Congestion; Top 9 Best Tea for Sinus Congestion. Chamomile tea may not directly ease congestion, but research shows that this floral tea can help to boost mood and improve relaxation — something you need when fighting off a cold or flu. Try a caffeine-free herbal tea to fight cold symptoms all day and night or opt for green tea if you need a little extra caffeine to get through the day. If you happen to develop allergies, taking antihistamines or a decongestant can help to relieve many of your symptoms. Copyright Policy In the meantime, tea can serve as a comforting and healing presence to help you back on the path to health. , This tea may also helpful in some health issues like antioxidants,ear ache,lessens mucous,and reduce inflammation. One study found that people who took echinacea reduced their chances of getting the common cold by 58 percent and also reduced the duration of the cold. The next time you're feeling stuffed up, try these handy tips and the best tea for congestion and feel like yourself again. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that in one study, people who took garlic for 12 weeks during cold season had 63 percent fewer colds and recovered from symptoms of the common cold faster. 9 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing & Respiratory Health. Before using any herbal remedy, talk with your doctor. For more information go to the Privacy Policy, Cucumber Sandwiches â A Staple of the Afternoon Tea. We write truthfully, but request that you follow your own due-diligence when making medical treatment, alternative remedies or medicinal decisions. Herbal Tea. You can take up to 3 cups of lobelia tea everyday. Have you ever had a stuffy nose? If lost to a sinus infection, they risk their livelihoods. Teas are known to be helpful in easing chest congestion. Some mucus in your airways is a good thing. Add honey to your tea. Strain before drinking. Eucalyptus oil itself is more potent, but can have less desirable side effects. Required fields are marked *. Scientists have found that ginger actually passes muster as a treatment for many of the ailments ginger-lovers claim it cures. It helps reduce the pain and it will help as expectorant to clear the passage of airways and let the phlegm out in your body. Essential oils may help promote better breathing, open airways, and break up phlegm leading to chest congestion. Lab studies also show that peppermint leaves contain ingredients that help to fight off bacteria that may cause you to get sick in the first place (2). Eucalyptus tea boasts a strong aroma that may help to alleviate nasal congestion thanks to a powerful ingredient called 1,8-cineole.