As someone fascinated with imaginary numbers, I read a lot of articles on the matter. The book includes solid proofs with detailed explanation, simple examples, exercises and short information on the famous mathematicians making the book an encyclopedia of the contemporary algebra. 10. And you can learn a lot of things about Euler, the great mathematician in our world. 1. Instead the author walks you through the logic. Such book may help not only to prepare for an exam but practice logical thinking encouraging the inner discussion. I promised to myself to read all those books in 10 years because there were 50 books on that list. The Princeton Companion to Mathematics by Timothy Gowers, June Barrow-Green, Imre Leader It is really a brilliant introduction to mathematics. This book is a nice and recommended read. That is one half of the book. There is a lot of joy in understanding mathematics, for instance, how the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem or the secrets of pi, e, epsilon…. I learned about Archimedes, Laplace, Newton, Euler, their contributions to math and their lives. Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Joseph Gallian Mr. Mazur starts with the basics. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. It is especially useful for frustrated students struggling with calculus and looking for professional help on a subject. It’s about “fun parts of mathematics.” The author’s writing style is so light and clear and these makes all the content understandable without a heavy background of mathematics. Isn’t this equation so beautiful. This book contains only the “best” proofs from many different fields of mathematics. And now it is time to share some of them with you. I had difficulty with exponential functions on my calculus assignments and needed to understand this concept for an exam. Principles and Techniques in Combinatorics by Chen Chuan-Chong and Koh Khee-Meng Rereading this book really helped me better understand both zeta function and complex numbers. Among my favorite equation. Advanced learners whose aim is the best grade may practice their logic and perspicacity with this book. When I was a college student, I saw a list of essential math books on a blog. Thanks!. 8. What makes it fun is that the author walks you through the most famous proofs in all of mathematics simplifying them to simple equations that you can solve in your head. It is about how mathematics should be taught. This is the seventh edition of a classic book which gives general knowledge with rare clarity. An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins However providing some information on math history this book prompts the reader to think about ideas than just absorb information. 7. In this book, you can learn how various mathematicians dealt with the complex number i. I am pretty sure that they can really enjoy it. It is about how a mathematician thinks and how to grow a mathematician. Take your time and start searching for guidance books beforehand to make sure you receive a definite ‘A’. While you are reading, you do not need to work through the actual with a pencil and paper. It is a serious read involving actual mathematics and should be treated as a reference book and should be referenced from time to time, specially if you are in high school or college. Those, who are looking for the classic high-quality books positively appreciated by mathematicians and vitally written, may notice that such titles are not easy to find. Absolutely brilliant. Mr. Parker uses everyday life examples for each chapter to explain the basics of mathematics. Tanton has managed to gather the necessary information with resources and facts which make his masterpiece indispensable while doing math homework or starting assignment writing. This is one of those books that I read again after I finished it. Literally a bible among the books for math students, this book will be especially appreciated by the hard-working students who are ready to face the challenges. The authors have included the specialized articles as well as a text for non-mathematicians which prove its accessible nature. This book is definitely not boring and it can be a great introduction to many students who are interested in mathematics. He believes that, we have to stop teaching mathematics in the traditional way and we need to start using our natural curiosity to teach and learn mathematics. | Courant and Robbins, Successful People, Fighter Planes & Survivorship Bias, The Collatz Conjecture — Some shocking results from 180,000 iterations, Calculus and the Legend of the Founding of Carthage, How Aristarchus Estimated the Distance to the Sun, A Wager, Rolling Restarts and Euler’s Number. This book may turn tough math homework into a challenging quest by changing the attitude to complicated calculus. Mr. Strogatz’s writing style is very engaging. However, if you have a strong knowledge of mathematics, this book will be a easy read for you. I absolutely love Seife’s writing style. 3. It is not too advance for an average math person. Ziegler and Aigner take us briefly to another world. 4. Mathematics: From the Birth of Numbers by Jan Gullberg 2. If you are going to read this book, you should have the knowledge of calculus and linear algebra. This book is a must read for math teachers. When you start reading, you will realize that, the book is a powerful criticism on the prevalent curriculum of Mathematics in elementary, middle and high schools. 9. Among thousands of books published each year there are several must-have books for math students which may help you to pass an exam as well as enjoy the text. 6. This book is perfectly written and Calculus students would love it. Encyclopedia of Mathematics by James Stuart Tanton This is a great book that could make almost anyone love math. © 2013 - 2020 All Rights Reserved. Many students will find it strange that one of the most interesting and valuable books about the entire history of math was written not by a mathematician but a doctor. Thus, you don’t need a PHD to enjoy this book. “The joy of x” should be beginner's book, because this book introduces us to the wonders of mathematics very simply. Then gets deeper into the square root of negative numbers and shows how beautiful our imaginary numbers. It was basically invented to study motion and can be really frustrating. Not to confuse the inexperienced students the authors take the careful review and use step-by-step approach through the proofs to make the theory comprehensive. Calculus by Michael Spivak For instance, I couldn’t stop shaking my head and dropping my jaw in fascination and awe at the wonderful world of mathematics. This is an interesting mix of history and calculus, that leading the reader to appreciate the development of the understanding of i, the square root of minus one.