Statue of Liberty situated? Fill in the blanks using a/an/the. An ostrich has only two toes on each foot. Aamir is reading the comic book Shweta gave him. We usually use the indefinite article first to mention some person or thing. 7. Answer: Aamir is reading the comic book Shweta gave him. ‘The’ is used before a particular or specific person, place or thing, Definition of Article different school of thought. 9. The man was wearing ………………………….. red and ………………………….. black shirt. That is an odd way to whistle! I enjoy doing it can help for those not only the young ones but also for the elderly like me. ‘A’ is used before the words which begin with a vowel, but have a sound of a consonant. 14. We should not use ‘the’ before subjects and arts. Articles are used to indicate the number of singular nouns (a, an) and to specify which noun is being talked about (the). ‘Articles’ has 4 marks for English 2nd paper in class 7 according to N.C.T.B. 9. Answer: ). A / An / The or Nothing 2 3. The Nile, the Dead Sea, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Himalayas. ), Sumit has a black and a white cat. Question 4: They are used to refer to a singular countable noun in general or for the first time. Kiran is the best student in the class. She was not in ………………. Articles Worksheet 6 7. e.g. Articles a/an/the 5 6. Question 12. before the names of languages- English, Hindi, Chinese. Free ONLINE PRACTICE TESTS on Class 7, Articles comprise of Hundreds of Questions on Articles, prepared by the highly professionals team. (“university’ is spelled with a vowel, but pronounced ‘yoo – niversity’), This is a one – way road. Meera is going on a holiday. 8. before the names of games-1 love to play football. When we refer to the same person or thing again, we use the definite article the to indicate the person or thing already mentioned. Question 11. 4. Kunal wants to go to USA for post graduation. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. That is ………………………….. odd way to whistle! Types of Articles He also speaks a language that I have never heard of. Question 7. it is very helpful. There are times when we don’t have to use any one of the articles. 7. (iv) (e) (v) (d). There is ………………. Radha has got new mobile phone but its not an android phone. Who invented the airplane? Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions, Tamilnadu Board Class 9 Science Solutions, Tamilnadu Board Class 9 Social Science Solutions, Tamilnadu Board Class 9 English Solutions, Tenses Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers, Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers, MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download, MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download, MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download, MCQ Questions for Class 11 Maths with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download, Maths Formulas for Class 6 to Class 12 PDF | All Basic Maths Formulas, before only one such person, place or thing: the Pope, the President of India, the North Pole, the earth, the sky, before names of famous buildings: the Red Fort, the Great Wall of China, The Taj Mahal. Log in, Exercise on Articles for Class 7 CBSE With Answers, Articles Exercises With Answers for Class 7 CBSE. before a singular noun that refers to a whole class or group of people or things. ‘The’ is known as definite article because it is used to point out specific person or thing. (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (a) I really enjoy your class!! Question 7: We usually use the indefinite article first to mention some person or thing. Give her ………………………….. call as soon as you can. ‘The’ is used before name of rivers, seas, canals, oceans, valleys, deserts and forests, There are three main articles – ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’. Answer: e.g. orange with apple. before plural nouns like dogs, chairs, trousers, pants, before abstract nouns like gold, advice, patience, loyalty. The minister has promised to build more ………………………….. airports. Exercise on Articles for Class 7 CBSE With Answers. The indefinite article a also meAnswer: one. 11. ‘The’ is used before parts of body. Put a/an/the wherever necessary. Question 5: 12. rules and regulations for both Bengali and English versions. e.g. ………………………….. camel is also called ………………………….. ship of ………………………….. desert. By doing that, we don’t have to be clear about which particular person or thing we are referring to.