Let’s do the time warp again. That creature gains trample until end of turn. Top 10 Build-Around Magic: The Gathering Cards in Aether Revolt, by Joseph Dunlap. What Are The Best Aether Revolt Cards? Aether Revolt Events Story Cards Products . I’ve compiled a list of what I believe the Top 10 cards will be to come out of Aether Revolt. The Card Image Gallery is updated every day with the latest card previews. This appeals to me partly because it references both Nicol Bolas and Cruel Ultimatum (the latter a little more subtly—it’s implied, okay?). Yes, I’ll have what this guy is having. With two of them, you’re drawing an extra card every turn. I wouldn’t even be surprised if this made Armorcraft Judge playable with the hope of drawing two cards on turn 4, like some kind of mini-Mulldrifter! For one, it’s a lord, which are always popular. Not only is Fatal Push my pick for best card in the set, but I think Fatal Push can make a play for best removal spell of all time. But that doesn’t mean Fatal Push won’t be a huge player in Standard. … (But that’s not very nice. He has created popular columns such as The Leporatory, The Lepore Report, and Modern Monday. Maybe you’ll see a card in a new light or discover an application you might not have thought of—if so, then I consider these articles a success. No? Grixis Control, here I come! Aether Revolt; The Tokens of Aether Revolt (AER)The Magic: the Gathering (MTG) set Aether Revolt (AER) was released on Jan 20th, 2017. How many cards with “Aether” in the name are going to be on this list?! Spire of Industry additionally provides another land for Modern decks like Lantern or Affinity as an alternative to Glimmervoid. What Are The Best Aether Revolt Cards? Aethergeode Miner has a lot of little things going for it. I’m back! This card feels great. Gideon is best when you’re ahead on board, and playing him a turn early is a good way to make sure that’s the case. If you’re looking for a list of the straight-up best Aether Revolt cards, you’re in the wrong place. Everyone is dying to know what the most popular cards are in the Aether Revolt set. I mean, seriously, how do you kill this thing? If you’re able to kill all of their creatures first, this is a great way to remove a planeswalker while returning one of your own and drawing a card. Consider picking up a few of these at your local game store. Cards have feelings too.). Starting this weekend at your Aether Revolt Prerelease, you can start picking up the new Planeswalker Decks featuring unique versions of Ajani and Tezzeret.The decks are meant for newer players, but can be fun for anyone to battle them against one another. With Fatal Push shoving Path to Exile into lower demand in Modern, we may see fewer basic lands in decks like Affinity, opening up a slot or two for Spire of Industry. Gonti only has one heart to give! Oath of Ajani also provides a pump effect for Gideon’s Allies and Nissa’s Plants out of the same colors. Sram’s Expertise essentially costs 1 mana when you’re able to cast a 3-mana spell for free, allowing you to flood the battlefield quickly with tokens and pump effects such as Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. What’s great about Heart of Kiran? As a 3-power, crew 1 flyer, this is definitely trying to fill the role of Smuggler’s Copter in our hearts. We may see a split of Spire of Industry and Glimmervoid in these decks, because you both don’t want to take too much damage and don’t want to be forced to mulligan hands with multiple Glimmervoid that are vulnerable to a single artifact removal spell. Then I saw a couple of Tweets and Facebook statuses shocked about “Saheeli Twin.” Combined with Saheeli Rai, you can create a copy of Felidar Guardian with haste, blink Saheeli Rai back to 3 loyalty, and repeat the process infinite times. Fatal Push opens doors for new decks in both Legacy and Modern, while also improving the removal suite for black in Standard. Welcome to the Aether Revolt Limited Set Review! While it’s a little odd that this card references something that isn’t yet present in Standard, this isn’t the first time that’s happened (Tarmogoyf) and it’s definitely a cool way to foreshadow. I was sure to get the added utility out of a sideboard slot by countering a Void Shatter or Spell Shrivel at some point in the game. −3: Target opponent loses life equal to the number of artifacts you control. It includes 4 token card. Both Kaladesh and Aether Revolt had plenty of strong cards. Either way, this card is great, and considering previous iterations of turn-taking cards, this isn’t much more work than something like Temporal Mastery or Temporal Trespass. Fatal Push is easy to use on the first few turns, whereas Path to Exile has a huge downside early in a game. It has a better time translating to Modern and Legacy both because of fetchlands for revolt, and because there are more cheap and efficient creatures in these formats, making it less necessary to turn on revolt to begin with. If you’re looking for a list of the straight-up best Aether Revolt cards, you’re in the wrong place.